9/11/2023 0 Comments September 11th, 2023
9/11/2023 0 Comments September 11th, 2023Father Atilano Cruz Alvarado was ordained during the Cristero War (1926–29), a civil revolt by the Cristeros (Soldiers of Christ) against the anti-Catholic policies pushed by Plutarco Elías Calles, who enforced the anti-clerical articles of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which sought to eliminate the power of the Catholic Church.
A a few months after his ordination, he was assigned to replace Father Toribio Romo Gonzalez, who had been executed by federal soldiers for being a Catholic priest. On June 29, 1928, Father Atilano Cruz Alvarado traveled to the nearby Las Cruces ranch to meet with his pastor, Father Justino Orona Madrigal. Two days later, July 1, at dawn, federal soldiers swarmed the ranch and executed Father Justino Orona Madrigal. Hearing the gunshots, Father Atilano Cruz Alvarado kneeled to pray, waiting until the soldiers found and executed him. 9/8/2023 0 Comments September 08th, 2023Rounded up by German Socialists as part of the Intelligenzaktion, the intelligence action aimed at the extermination of Polish intelligentsia, Father Bernard Antoni Wiecki was executed in the forest by the Stutthof concentration camp in a group of 22 prominent Poles from Gdańsk, January 11, 1940.
9/8/2023 0 Comments September 08th, 2023"I am here with my people, live or die," Father Justino Orona Madrigal told his parishioners worried for his safety during the Cristero War (1926–29).
The civil revolt by the Cristeros (Soldiers of Christ) was against the anti-Catholic policies pushed by Plutarco Elías Calles, who enforced the anti-clerical articles of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which sought to eliminate the power of the Catholic Church through persecution and execution. Father Justino Orona Madrigal served his parishioners from Las Cruces (The Cross) ranch, where he and another priest, Father Atilano Cruz Alvadrado, prayed the rosary together and discussed their pastoral duties. But then, on July 1, 1928, 40 federal soldiers swarmed Las Cruces, at dawn. When his door slammed open, Father Justino Orona Madrigal shouted "Long live Christ the King!" as soldiers gunned him down. 9/6/2023 0 Comments September 06th, 2023Arrested by German Socialists for possessing a radio, Father Jan Wiech was dragged from his vicarage in Przybyszówka and shipped to Auschwitz death camp, where he was murdered, June 8, 1942.
9/6/2023 0 Comments September 06th, 2023After an "illegal" underground Mass and Holy Hour in a private home, Mexican federal troops broke into the home and arrested two priests, Father Jose Trinidad Rangel Montaño and Father Andres Sola y Molist, on April 24, 1927.
It was during the time of the Cristero War (1926–29), the civil revolt by the Cristeros (Soldiers of Christ) against the anti-Catholic policies pushed by Plutarco Elías Calles, who enforced the anti-clerical articles of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which sought to eliminate the power of the Catholic Church through persecution and execution. The next day, the two priests were shot to death, in Rancho de San Joaquín, for their Catholic Faith. 9/5/2023 0 Comments September 05th, 2023Arrested by German Socialists, Father Marian Krupinski was shipped to Dachau death camp, where he was tortured, admitted into the camp’s infirmary and executed -- given a lethal injection, December 27, 1941.
9/5/2023 0 Comments September 05th, 2023After attending an "illegal" underground Mass in a private home, Leonardo Pérez Lários remained for Holy Hour.
It was during the time of the Cristero War (1926–29), the civil revolt by the Cristeros (Soldiers of Christ) against the anti-Catholic policies pushed by Plutarco Elías Calles, who enforced the anti-clerical articles of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which sought to eliminate the power of the Catholic Church through persecution and execution. During the Holy Hour, Mexican federal troops broke into the home and arrested Leonardo Pérez Lários, along with two priests, Padre Rangel and Padre Solá y Molist, on April 24, 1927. The next day, the three men were shot to death, in Rancho de San Joaquín, for their Catholic Faith. 9/4/2023 0 Comments September 04th, 2023Chinese proverb: Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.
To serve as a terrifying warning to others from the German Socialists, bodies of three Catholic ethnic Polish men hang from gallows. Kalikst Perkowski, Wilhelm Czernecki and Piotr Sanda were publicly executed for "illegally" trading in sugar and flour, in Kutno on June 9, 1941. 9/4/2023 0 Comments September 04th, 2023Father Pedro Esqueda Ramirez was severely tortured after his arrest, on November 18, 1927, for being a practicing Catholic priest during the Cristero War (1926–29), when the Church was outlawed and Catholics were persecuted and executed by the Mexican government.
"Now you must be sorry for being a priest," one soldier said to him after a horrendous beating. "No, not a moment, and I have but a little time before I see Heaven," the priest answered serenely. Dragged from prison to his place of execution, on November 22, 1927, the priest was surrounded by Catholic children, distraught about his fate. "Do not stop studying the catechism, nor leave the Christian doctrine at all," the priest repeated to those who walked beside him to the outskirts of Teocaltitlán, Jalisco, where he was shot with three bullets that ended his earthly life and began his eternal life. 9/4/2023 0 Comments September 04th, 2023The spirit of the Cristeros lives on!
Christian parents burn books pushed by the Mexican Socialist regime that promote sexually disordered individuals and the sexual disorders of SDIs. https://nypost.com/2023/09/03/mexican-parents-burn-textbooks-infected-with-virus-of-communism-in-fiery-protest-against-gender-ideology/ 9/2/2023 0 Comments September 02nd, 2023Not surprising that the lies about the Catholic Church in Canada have been proven false.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12466913/mass-grave-indigenous-children-Canada-excavation-dig-catholic.html Canadian Catholics haven’t been the only victims. Socialists have a history of lying about the Church. Why? To destroy the Church. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/3775-persecution-and-anti-catholic-propaganda Don't let them! 9/1/2023 0 Comments September 01st, 20239/1/2023 0 Comments September 01st, 2023Father José Isabel Flores Varela was arrested after a reward was issued by Jose Orozco, the mayor of Zapotlanjejo, for the capture of any priest during the Cristero War (1926–29), when the Church was outlawed and Catholics were persecuted and executed by the Mexican government.
After imprisoned for three days, without food or water, the priest was dragged to a nearby cemetery, where a noose was placed around his neck. He was repeatedly tortured by being lifted by his neck, but lowered before he died. When one of the soldiers, who had been baptized by the priest, refused to participate in the torture, he was shot. After the guns jammed and did not fire in a failed attempt to shoot the priest, commander Anastasio Valdivia took a knife and slit the throat of Father José Isabel Flores Varela, in the early morning hours of June 21, 1927. |
AuthorTHERESA MARIE MOREAU is an award-winning reporter who covers Catholicism and Communism. Archives
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