6/29/2023 0 Comments June 29th, 2023Aktion 14f13, also called Sonderbehandlung (special treatment) 14f13, was a campaign by German Socialists to exterminate - with poisonous carbon monoxide gas at one of the six euthanasia centers - the concentration camp prisoners too sick or elderly to work, including countless Catholics.
Bernburg Euthanasia Center (gas chamber pictured) Brandenburg Euthanasia Center Grafeneck Euthanasia Center Hadamar Euthanasia Center Hartheim Euthanasia Center Sonnenstein Euthanasia Center
6/29/2023 0 Comments June 29th, 2023Cristero troops attend Mass, an illegal religious ceremony, in 1927, in Guadalajara, during the Cristero War (1926–29), a struggle against the anti-Catholic policies of the pro-Communist, pro-Soviet Mexican regime, which enacted the anti-clerical articles of the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which sought to eliminate the positive, moral influence of the Catholic Church.
6/28/2023 0 Comments June 28th, 2023NAZI EUGENICS and EUTHANASIA PROPAGANDA:
The caption reads: “The National Socialist state will prevent people whose lives are not worth living from being born in the future.” 6/28/2023 0 Comments June 28th, 2023Catholic priest Father Julio Alvarez Mendoza was executed, shot on March 30, 1927, martyred for the Church in Mexico during the Cristero War, when the Catholic religion and its practice were outlawed by the pro-Communist, anti-Christian Mexican government.
6/27/2023 0 Comments June 27th, 2023Aktion T4 was the mass murder action so-named for the abbreviation of Tiergartenstraße 4, a street address of the Chancellery department that recruited and paid personnel associated with the euthanasia action, in which doctors were ordered to kill the disabled and unwanted, unwitting recipients of a Gnadentod, a "mercy killing."
6/27/2023 0 Comments June 27th, 2023Archbishop José Mora y del Río worked to keep the Church functioning in Mexico after the pro-Communist Mexican regime outlawed religion and forbade public worship, on July 31, 1926. On April 21, 1927, the Archbishop was forced into exile, where he died on April 22, 1928.
6/25/2023 0 Comments June 25th, 2023Richard Jenne, the last child/baby killed by the head nurse at the Kaufbeuren Irsee euthanasia facility, as so ordered by the German Socialists. May 1945.
6/25/2023 0 Comments June 25th, 2023Cristeros killed by the firing squad, killed for their Catholic Faith during the anti-Catholic persecution of the Church in pro-Communist Mexico, when countless faithful were martyred, and 4,000 priests were martyred in or exiled from Mexico for offering the outlawed Sacraments.
6/23/2023 0 Comments June 23rd, 2023Three weeks after German Socialist doctor Karl Brandt killed Baby Gerhard Kretschmar, the Reich Committee for the Scientific Registering of Hereditary and Congenital Illnesses was established, on August 18, 1939, to register sick children or newborns identified as defective.
Thus began the secret killing of infants, as Hitler was in favor of killing those whom he judged to be Lebensunwertes Leben (Life unworthy of life). VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 6/23/2023 0 Comments June 23rd, 2023Father Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo was arrested by anti-Catholic, pro-Communist Mexican Federal Army soldiers, who put a rope around his neck.
"Well, countrymen, they are going to hang me, I forgive them and my Father God also forgives them, and always, Long live Christ the King!" he said, surrounded by soldiers. Soldiers pulled the rope violently as they raised him on the impromptu gallows, but he remained alive until later that night, January 17, 1927. At dawn, the soldiers returned, dropped the dead priest to the ground, shot him in the shoulder, then bayonetted his dead body. Viva Cristo Rey! 6/21/2023 0 Comments June 21st, 2023Baby Gerhard Herbert Kretschmar was a German child born with severe disabilities, on February 20, 1939.
After receiving a petition from the child's German Socialist parents, Hitler authorized one of his personal physicians, Karl Brandt, to kill the child, on July 25, 1939, which marked the beginning of AKTION T4, the euthanasia program that resulted in the killing of an incalculable number of those classified as Life Unworthy of Life. 6/21/2023 0 Comments June 21st, 2023"Courage, my brothers, remember the cause we stand for!" cried Nicolas Navarro, who was beaten in the face to break his teeth, stabbed with a sword, and then shot.
"Yes, I die for Christ, who never dies! Viva Cristo Rey!" were his last words. The six Martyrs of Leon were executed, on January 3, 1927, for remaining faithful to the Catholic Church during a time of great persecution in Mexico, when the anti-Catholic, pro-Communist government outlawed Catholicism, sparking an uprising, the Cristero War. Martyrs of Leon: Jose Valencia Gallardo, Salvador Vargas, Nicolas Navarro, Ezequiel Gomez, Agustin Rio, Jose Gasca. 6/20/2023 0 Comments June 20th, 2023Cristeros gunned down by the pro-Communist, anti-Catholic Mexican government soldiers.
Manuel Hernández, 17, and Francisquillo Santillán, 14, (near the body of Benedicto Romero) moments pre- and post-execution, behind the Cathedral of Colima, July 25, 1928. Santillan said: "Look, we are going to die at the feet of the Virgin of Guadalupe" Hernandez asked: "How? Why?" Santillan answered: "Because we are at the foot of the window, where the Virgin of Guadalupe is inside." 6/19/2023 0 Comments June 19th, 2023As Father Jose Maria Robles Hurtado prepared to offer Mass, anti-Catholic, pro-Communist Mexican soldiers arrested him and dragged him to a barracks. At midnight, he was tied and forced to walk to Sierra de Quila, where at the highest point, soldiers stopped at a leafy oak tree.
Understanding he was to be hanged, the priest took the rope in his hands, blessed it and threw it around his neck, before the soldiers hanged him, in the early morning hours of June 26, 1927. 6/17/2023 0 Comments June 17th, 2023In defense of the Faith, clergy, religious and laity, many priests joined the fight during the persecution of the Catholic Church by the Socialist Mexican government, which caused the Cristero War.
One priest was Padre Miguel Pérez Aldape, a regimental chaplain, who defended the Holy Cause with his crucifx, a saddlebag with his vestment stole, and a 30-30 rifle. In the December 1928 photo are (L to R): Colonel Victor Lopez, General Miguel Hernandez, Colonel Toribio Valdez, Father Miguel Perez Aldape, and Lieutenant Eulogio Gonzalez. 6/16/2023 0 Comments June 16th, 2023An active member of Catholic Action David Roldan Lara was arrested, accused of conspiring to revolt against the government, beaten and tortured during the Cristero War during the persecution of the Catholic Church by the Mexican government.
Days later, at noon, on August 15, 1926, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he was taken to a remote spot in the mountains and executed by a firing squad, after he shouted, "Long live Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe!" 6/15/2023 0 Comments June 15th, 2023Manuel Morales Cervantes, president of the National League for the Defense of Religious Liberty in Mexico during the Cristero War, was arrested a few days after a League meeting, during which he said, "The league should be peaceful and not interfere in political affairs. Our project is to implore the government to remove the articles of the Constitution that prevent religious freedom."
Imprisoned in the town hall, he was beaten and tortured, until August 15, 1926, when soldiers removed him from his cell and drove him to the mountains near Chalchihuites. Accused of conspiring to revolt against the government, he was brought forward with another who begged for Morales' freedom, because he had children to support. Morales said, "I am dying for God, and God will care for my children." As the firing squad raised their rifles, Morales shouted, "Long live Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe!" 6/14/2023 0 Comments June 14th, 2023Here I am," said Salvador Lara Puente when the Mexican federal soldiers arrived to arrest him.
A member of the National League for Defense of Religious Liberty, an organization that defended Catholics against the persecution of Mexico's government during the Cristero War, he was arrested during one of its meetings. After driven to the mountains, he realized he was going to be executed, and he walked to the spot, praying in a low voice. Offered his life and his freedom in exchange for his recognition of the legitimacy of the Socialist, anti-Catholic regime, he refused and was shot on the spot, on August 15, 1926. #VivaCristoRey! 6/13/2023 0 Comments June 13th, 2023Standing on the side of the road, Father Luis Batiz Sainz was given the opportunity to save his life. The pro-Communist, anti-Catholic federal soldiers, armed with guns, told him all he had to do was acknowledge the legitimacy of the virulent anti-Catholic, Mexican government.
The priest refused and was shot on the spot, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1926, in the desolate mountains of Chalchihuites, Zacatecas. 6/12/2023 0 Comments June 12th, 2023Facing the firing squad, in the Cemetery of Bethlehem, Father David Galvan Bermudez refused to be blindfolded and calmly pointed to his chest, where he would be shot, on January 30, 1915, the same day he was arrested for being a priest.
The Mexican government's anti-clerical stance had begun following the dethroning and execution of Emperor Maximillian, in 1867. 6/11/2023 0 Comments June 11th, 2023Refusing to deny God and pledge allegiance to the Socialist regime of Mexico, four Catholic men were gunned down - shouting Viva Cristo Rey! - on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1926, in the desolate mountains of Chalchihuites, Zacatecas: Father Luis Batiz Sainz, Manuel Morales Cervantes, David Roldan Lara, Jose Salvador Lara Puente.
6/10/2023 0 Comments June 10th, 2023"Thou shalt have no God before me," could be the motto of all Socialist regimes.
Father Cristóbal Magallanes Jara faced his executioners and absolved them before they shot him to death, on May 25, 1927. "I am innocent, and I die innocent. I forgive with all my heart those responsible for my death, and I ask God that the shedding of my blood serves toward the peace of our divided Mexico." During the Cristero War, the Christian uprising against the oppressive anti-clerical, pro-Communist Mexican government that persecuted Catholics, Father Cristóbal Magallanes Jara was arrested on his way to say Mass. For being a priest, he received a death sentence. 6/9/2023 0 Comments June 09th, 2023"We live for God, and for Him we die," declared Father Agustín Caloca Cortés, his last words before executed by the firing squad, on May 25, 1927, in Colotlán, Jalisco.
The 29-year-old priest was arrested by the anti-Catholic, pro-Socialist Mexican regime, after he had warned seminarians to flee and hide from the approaching federal soldiers. Although offered his freedom, he refused unless freedom would also be granted to his fellow prisoner, Father Magallanes Jara, which was denied. Viva Cristo Rey! 6/8/2023 0 Comments June 08th, 2023NOS DAN NUESTROS TEMPLOS OR LOS TOMAMOS
(Give us our churches or we will take them) Catholic protestors, in Orizaba, Veracruz, during the Cristero War, when the pro-Communist, anti-Catholic Mexican government tried to destroy the Church. 6/7/2023 0 Comments June 07th, 2023An "illegal" underground Mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1928, when the Holy Mass and the Sacraments were outlawed and priests became enemies of the Socialist regime in Mexico during the Cristero War (1926–29), when countless faithful and priests were martyred.
AuthorTHERESA MARIE MOREAU is an award-winning reporter who covers Catholicism and Communism. Archives
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