11/20/2020 0 Comments November 20th, 2020Arrested by the Soviet Socialists during the September 1939 campaign, Father Antoni Aleksandrowicz, a military chaplain, was housed in Starobielsk POW camp, until Christmas Eve 1939, when he was shipped to Butyrki prison in Moscow. In the spring of 1940, he was transferred to Kozielsk concentration camp where was held in isolation in a special tower, until he was sent to Katyń mass murder site and brutally executed, April 13, 1940.
#VivaCristoRey! #NiechŻyjeChrystusKról!
11/20/2020 0 Comments November 20th, 2020Before Padre Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles was executed, the general called one of the youngest soldiers to kill the priest. With trembling hands, the soldier held the shotgun pointed at the head of the priest and suddenly dropped it and started crying, saying over and over again, "l can not kill this man."
"If you don't do it, you are going to die along with him," the general threatened, on October 5, 1928. "Let it be it, then," answered the soldier. "But before you die, just tell me what is the reason why you would not kill this man." The young soldier answered, "Sir l cannot shoot this man, because he is my godfather and is the one who gave me the Sacrament of Baptism and the one who gave me my First Communion." And with that, the soldier was shot in the same spot, screaming, "Viva Cristo Rey! Viva Cristo Rey!" As told by #MichaelGutierrez, whose very special father, David Gutierrez Polomino, a teenage witness at the time of the Mexican Cristero War, had told him. #VivaCristoRey! 11/20/2020 0 Comments November 20th, 2020From the #AngelicDoctor...
"Brute beasts have a natural inclination in their sensitive nature toward certain particular goods, with certain evils connected; thus the fox in seeking its food has a natural inclination to do so with a certain skill coupled with deceit." -- #SaintThomasAquinas (1225-74) 11/18/2020 0 Comments November 18th, 2020After the start of the Soviet occupation of Poland, Father Bogdan Agopsowicz, an Armenian Catholic, joined the underground resistance, helping Polish soldiers cross over Polish–Romanian border finding support from Armenian families near his native Kuty city, before he, himself, was fatally shot by Soviet Socialist Red Army soldiers as he attempted to swim across Czeremosz river near city Kuty and cross over to Romania, in May 1940.
#VivaCristoRey! #NiechŻyjeChrystusKról! 11/18/2020 0 Comments November 18th, 2020As Father José María Robles Hurtado prepared to offer Mass, anti-Catholic, pro-Communist Mexican soldiers arrested him and dragged him to a barracks. At midnight, he was tied and forced to walk to Sierra de Quila, where at the highest point, soldiers stopped at a leafy oak tree.
Understanding he was to be hanged, the priest took the rope in his hands, blessed it and threw it around his neck, before the soldiers executed him, in the early morning hours of June 26, 1927. #VivaCristoRey! 11/18/2020 0 Comments November 18th, 202011/17/2020 0 Comments November 17th, 2020Arrested by Soviet Socialist NKVD (secret police) while attempting to enter occupied Poland, Father Fabijan Abrantowicz endured torture for years until his death, when he was fatally, brutally tortured, January 2, 1946.
#VivaCristoRey! #NiechŻyjeChrystusKról! 11/17/2020 0 Comments November 17th, 2020Cristeros gunned down by the pro-Communist, anti-Catholic Mexican government soldiers. The bodies of Benedicto Romero, Manuel Hernández and Francisquillo Santillán, moments after being shot, behind the Cathedral of Colima, July 25, 1928
#VivaCristoRey! 11/17/2020 0 Comments November 17th, 2020From the #AngelicDoctor...
"Every intellectual nature is inclined toward good in general, which it can apprehend and which is the object of the will." -- #SaintThomasAquinas (1225-74) 11/16/2020 0 Comments November 16th, 2020While hospitalized for tuberculosis, Polish Sister Maria Rolanda Abraham was attacked by Soviet Socialist Red Army soldiers who invaded the hospital in Ornecie. Although she defended herself, the soldiers raped her, beat her head and face and then shot her, on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1945. She never recovered, and perished on June 16, 1945.
#VivaCristoRey! #NiechŻyjeChrystusKról! 11/16/2020 0 Comments November 16th, 2020"Courage, my brothers, remember the cause we stand for!" cried Nicolas Navarro, who was beaten in the face to break his teeth, stabbed with a sword, and then shot.
"Yes, I die for Christ, who never dies! Viva Cristo Rey!" were his last words. The six Martyrs of Leon were executed, on January 3, 1927, for remaining faithful to the Catholic Church during a time of great persecution in Mexico, when the anti-Catholic, pro-Communist government outlawed Catholicism, sparking an uprising, the Cristero War. Martyrs of Leon: Jose Valencia Gallardo, Salvador Vargas, Nicolas Navarro, Ezequiel Gomez, Agustin Rio and Jose Gasca. #VivaCristoRey! 11/16/2020 0 Comments November 16th, 2020From the #AngelicDoctor...
"A particular good may happen to have some evil connected with it; thus fire has this evil connected with it that it consumes other things: but with the universal good no evil can be connected." -- #SaintThomasAquinas (1225-74) 11/13/2020 0 Comments November 13th, 2020Father Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo was arrested by anti-Catholic, pro-Communist Mexican Federal Army soldiers, who put a rope around his neck.
"Well, countrymen, they are going to hang me, I forgive them and my Father God also forgives them, and always, Long live Christ the King!" he said, surrounded by soldiers. Soldiers pulled the rope violently as they raised him on the impromptu gallows, but he remained alive until later that night, January 17, 1927. At dawn, the soldiers returned, dropped the dead priest to the ground, shot him in the shoulder, then bayonetted his dead body. #VivaCristoRey! 11/13/2020 0 Comments November 13th, 2020From the #AngelicDoctor...
"Everything which exists, so far as it exists and has a particular nature, tends naturally towards some good; since it comes from a good principle; because the effect always reverts to its principle." -- #SaintThomasAquinas (1225-74) 11/12/2020 0 Comments November 12th, 2020Cristeros killed by the firing squad, killed for their Catholic Faith during the anti-Catholic persecution of the Church in pro-Communist Mexico the 1920s and '30s, when countless faithful were martyred, and 4,000 priests were martyred in or exiled from Mexico for offering the outlawed Sacraments.
#VivaCristoRey! 11/12/2020 0 Comments November 12th, 202011/11/2020 0 Comments November 11th, 2020#ThankGodForOurWarriors!
#ArmisticeDay at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ended. #VeteransDay 11/11/2020 0 Comments November 11th, 2020Archbishop José Mora y del Río worked to keep the Church functioning in Mexico after the pro-Communist Mexican government outlawed religion and subsequently forbid public worship, on August 1, 1926. On April 21, 1927, the Archbishop was forced into exile, where he died on April 22, 1928.
#VivaCristoRey! 11/11/2020 0 Comments November 11th, 2020From the #AngelicDoctor...
"Supernatural beatitude is atatined by God's grace." -- #SaintThomasAquinas (1225-74) 11/11/2020 0 Comments November 11th, 2020“Bolshevik Freedom,” Polish poster of Leon Trotsky.
Translation: “Bolsheviks promised, ‘We will give you peace. We will give you freedom. We will give you land, work and bread.’ Abjectly, they unleashed war against Poland. Instead of freedom, they gave fists. Instead of land, requisitions. Instead of work, misery. Instead of bread, hunger." #VivaCristoRey! #NiechŻyjeChrystusKról! 11/10/2020 0 Comments November 10th, 2020Catholic priest Father Julio Alvarez Mendoza was executed, shot on March 30, 1927, martyred for the Church in Mexico during the Cristero War, when the Catholic religion and its practice were outlawed by the pro-Communist, anti-Christian Mexican government.
#VivaCristoRey! |
AuthorTHERESA MARIE MOREAU is an award-winning reporter who covers Catholicism and Communism. Archives
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