1/31/2020 0 Comments January 31st, 2020When Soviet Red Army soldiers approached the motherhouse in Goppeln, Sister Maria Augustina (born Maria Katharina Clara Schumacher and founder of the Order of the Nazareth Sisters of Saint Francis) stood at the gate to protect her consoeurs, but a soldier fired several fatal shots into her, on May 8, 1945.
VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król!
1/31/2020 0 Comments January 31st, 2020Disturbing cultivation of criminal, psychopathic behavior:
German Socialists made disparaging remarks against their political enemies, dehumanizingthem. German Socialists invaded Poland (which was 90% Catholic) and killed 6 million Poles, because the German Socialists viewed Poles as subhuman. VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 1/31/2020 0 Comments January 31st, 2020From the Angelic Doctor...
"It is the perfection of the universe that God chiefly intends in the creation of things." -- Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) 1/30/2020 0 Comments January 30th, 2020After Soviet Red Army soldiers used axes to break into the Three Wise Men convent, in Kietrz, Sister Maria Gabrielis (born Monika von Ballestrem) was beat and shot defending her honor as well as the honor of the sick and of the other sisters. She perished the next day, April 1, 1945.
VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 1/30/2020 0 Comments January 30th, 2020Dachau Roof:
"Es gibt einen Weg zur Freiheit. Seine Meilensteine heißen: Gehorsam, Ehrlichkeit, Sauberkeit, Nüchternheit, Fleiß, Ordnung, Opfersinn, Wahrhaftigkeit, Liebe zum Vaterland" "There is one path to freedom. Its milestones are obedience, honesty, cleanliness, sobriety, hard work, discipline, sacrifice, truthfulness, love of the fatherland" 1/30/2020 0 Comments January 30th, 2020From the Angelic Doctor...
"Intelligence is finite from above, as receiving its being from above itself, and is infinite from below, as not received in any matter." -- Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) 1/29/2020 0 Comments January 29th, 2020After summoned by the Socialist Soviets, Father Wacław Rodźko's body, with signs of torture, was found three days later on the road from Trabów to Holszan. Murdered, he had been beheaded, May 22, 1940.
VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 1/29/2020 0 Comments January 29th, 2020Does anyone have any information about a DEATH WALL in Dachau?
If there is one, is this photo of the Dachau Death Wall? 1/29/2020 0 Comments January 29th, 2020Public execution of 11 Poles, November 19, 1943, in the Strzemieszyce Małe district of Dąbrowa Górnicza, occupied by the German Socialists.
VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 1/29/2020 0 Comments January 29th, 20201/28/2020 0 Comments January 28th, 2020Accused of teaching religion to school-age children, of anti-Soviet Socialist agitation and of hoarding anti-Soviet Socialist literature, Father Wieńczysław Romanowski was sentenced, in 1951, to 25 years slave labor. Shipped to a gulag in the Vitebsk Region, it is believed he perished in 1953.
VIVA CRISTO REY! Niech żyje Chrystus Król! 1/28/2020 0 Comments January 28th, 2020Court of Execution. Auschwitz killing wall. The Black Wall. Between Block 10 (building to the left) and Block 11 (building to the right) in the Auschwitz death camp where executions of inmates took place.
1/28/2020 0 Comments January 28th, 2020From the Angelic Doctor...
"There is no composition of matter and form in an angel, yet there is act and potentiality." -- Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) 1/28/2020 0 Comments January 28th, 20201/27/2020 0 Comments January 27th, 2020TRANSFORMATION, PART I |
AuthorTHERESA MARIE MOREAU is an award-winning reporter who covers Catholicism and Communism. Archives
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