7/28/2023 0 Comments July 28th, 2023It didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with one party controlling media. One party controlling the message. One party deciding what's truth. One party censoring speech and calling on supporters to harass. It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen.
7/27/2023 0 Comments July 27th, 2023A victim's hand seemingly reaches from the interior of a crematorium furnace at the German Socialist Stutthof death camp, built to torture and slaughter Catholic, ethnic Polish leaders and intellectuals. Photo taken May 8, 1945, the day before the camp was liberated by the Allies.
7/27/2023 0 Comments July 27th, 2023An enthusiastic underground Catholic in Christian-hating, pro-Communist Mexico, Anacleto González Flores taught catechism, performed acts of charity and wrote with a Christian spirit, which caused him to be arrested by the Socialist regime, which tortured him by slashing the bottoms of his feet and hanging him by his thumbs until they dislocated. He was executed the same day, April 1, 1927.
7/26/2023 0 Comments July 26th, 2023LEBENSRAUM
After ethnic Poles were forced from their homelands or executed, ethnic Germans arrived for resettlement in Poland areas occupied by the German Socialists, circa 1942. 7/26/2023 0 Comments July 26th, 2023Luis Segura Vilchis - a prominent member of the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth - faced a firing squad, with the body of Father Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez lying next to him, ordered by the revolutionary, Christian-hating, pro-Communist Mexican regime, under the presidency of Plutarco Elías Calles, on November 23, 1927, during La Cristiada, the Cristero War.
7/24/2023 0 Comments July 24th, 2023Children — Ethnic Prisoners of War.
A German Socialist official conducts roll call for boys at the main Kinder concentration camp for Catholic, ethnic Polish children in Lodz. 7/24/2023 0 Comments July 24th, 2023Humberto Pro - along with three other Cristeros including his brother, Jesuit Father Miguel Pro - was executed on November 23, 1927, targeted for adherence to the Catholic faith, outlawed by the revolutionary, pro-Communist Mexican government.
7/23/2023 0 Comments July 23rd, 2023All alone in the world, Catholic, ethnic Polish girls line up inside a German Socialist labor camp in Dzierżązna, sometime in 1942-43.
7/23/2023 0 Comments July 23rd, 2023Father Gumersindo Sedano y Palencia, martyr for the Church, was executed, on September 7, 1927, in Ciudad Guzmán, by pro-Communist Mexican officials during the Cristero War, when the Catholic religion and its practice was outlawed by the anti-religion, Christophobic government.
7/22/2023 0 Comments July 22nd, 2023Body collectors dispose of one of the 1,200 Catholic ethnic Poles executed by the German Socialists in the streets of Warsaw during an uprising there, in late 1943 and early 1944.
7/22/2023 0 Comments July 22nd, 2023During the anti-Catholic persecution of the Church in the 1920s and 30s, countless faithful perished and 4,000 priests were martyred in or exiled from revolutionary, pro-Communist Mexico, whose officials had embraced the anti-Christian ideology of Marx and the brutal tactics of Lenin while persecuting Catholics.
7/21/2023 0 Comments July 21st, 2023Antagonistic narcissism and phsychopathic tendencies predict left-wing antihierarchical agression, study finds:
https://www.psypost.org/2023/05/antagonistic-narcissism-and-psychopathic-tendencies-predict-left-wing-antihierarchical-aggression-study-finds-163497 7/21/2023 0 Comments July 21st, 2023After the defeat of the German Socialists and the beginning of the occupation by the Soviet Socialists, Father Stanisław Zieliński was executed - in his own home - with a shot to the head, March 10, 1945.
7/21/2023 0 Comments July 21st, 2023Federal soldiers of the Revolutionary, pro-Communist Mexican government found Father Jesús Mendez Montoya, who rescued the consecrated hosts by consuming the Blessed Sacrament. Turning to one of his sisters, he said, "It is God's will. Let his will be done," seconds before soldiers escorted him outside the church and executed him with three shots, on February 5, 1928.
7/20/2023 0 Comments July 20th, 2023Captain Witold Pilecki, a Catholic ethnic Pole.
One of the greatest heroes of World War II. Founder of the Secret Polish Army, who volunteered to be rounded up and arrested by the Nazis to gather intelligence inside Auschwitz. He actually escaped Auschwitz, but was later executed by the Soviets. WATCH: vimeo.com/159059033 7/20/2023 0 Comments July 20th, 2023Federales - henchmen of the revolutionary, pro-Communist Mexican government - dragged a barefoot Father Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Lucero to the town hall, on February 10, 1937.
His torturers grabbed his pyx, shoved all Hosts in his mouth and ordered him to eat, before he was beaten and then shot, which fractured his skull and caused his left eye to explode. 7/20/2023 0 Comments July 20th, 2023Why do all Socialist regimes persecute the Catholic Church?
Socialist ideology does not accept an autonomous institution whose legitimacy does not spring from the government. Socialists demand the subordination of the Church to the State. 7/19/2023 0 Comments July 19th, 2023After the 1939 invasion of Poland by Socialist forces -- the Nazis and Soviets -- Seminarian Jan Brzozowski relocated to the headquarters of the Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel, in Sturga.
When expelled, he found sanctuary in Warsaw's theological seminary building, until the Germans forced him to the Pruszków transit camp, where they executed him along with Seminarian Edward Kosztyła and religious Brother Joseph Cisek, on August 9, 1944. 7/19/2023 0 Comments July 19th, 2023Mexican Socialist secret police shouted, "Open the door in the name of the law!"
Following the regime’s orders to target faithful Catholics, the police stormed in and arrested everyone, including two brothers, Jorge and Ramon Vargas Gonzalez, who were interrogated and tortured. Led to the execution site, they recited the Act of Contrition, and before they were shot, on the morning of April 1, 1927, Ramon made the Sign of the Cross and Jorge held a crucifix to his chest. 7/18/2023 0 Comments July 18th, 2023German Socialists were pro-euthanasia, pro-eugenics and had no respect for the sanctity of life, especially of "Unnütze Esser" (Useless Eaters).
Poster's rough translation: "60,000 Reichsmarks is what this hereditary disease costs the community for life. "Comrade, that's your money too. "Read 'New People,' the monthly record of the Racial Politics Office of the NSDAP." 7/18/2023 0 Comments July 18th, 2023José Luciano Ezequiel Huerta Gutiérrez, married with 10 children, was arrested on the morning of April 2, 1927, after paying his respects to the lifeless body of Anacleto González Flores.
Questioned about the whereabouts of his two priest brothers, about his two oldest sons and the Cristeros, Ezequiel refused to talk, so he was tortured until he was unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he expressed his pain by singing with all his might: "My Christ lives, my King lives," for which he received more beatings until he could not utter a single sound. The following morning, he was led at dawn with his brother Salvador Huerta Gutiérrez to the cemetery of Mezquitán, where they were both killed. Ezequiel's wife heard the shots from her home and although she did not know that her husband was one of the victims, she gathered their children around her and said: "My children, let us recite the Rosary for these poor people who have just been shot." --- From Vatican.va 7/17/2023 0 Comments July 17th, 2023“Bolshevik Freedom,” Polish poster of Leon Trotsky.
Translation: “Bolsheviks promised, ‘We will give you room. We will give you freedom. We will give you land, work and bread.’ “Abjectly, they unleashed war against Poland. “Instead of freedom, they gave fists. Instead of land, requisitions. Instead of work, misery. Instead of bread, hunger." 7/17/2023 0 Comments July 17th, 2023Salvador Huerta Gutiérrez was arrested on April 2, 1927, after he went to the cemetery to pay respects to the the remains of Anacleto González, a well-known Catholic leader martyred during the period of Catholic persecution in Mexico.
When he returned to his mechanical workshop, police officers were waiting for him. They arrested him and then tortured him by hanging him by his thumbs. His torturers wanted to know the whereabouts of two priests: Eduardo and José Refugio. Lifeless, they threw him in a dungeon. In the early hours of April 3, he was led, along with his brother Ezequiel, to the Mezquitan pantheon. Before the firing squad, he asked for a lighted candle, illuminated his bare chest and said: "Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe! Shoot! I die for God, whom I love very much!" 7/16/2023 0 Comments July 16th, 2023Transported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Czeslawa Kwoka - a 14-year-old girl - was killed by the German Socialists with a phenol injection to her heart, on March 12, 1943, for no other reason than she was a Catholic, ethnic Pole.
7/16/2023 0 Comments July 16th, 2023Active in the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth and the nocturnal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Luis Magaña Servin was arrested for his Catholic activities during the Cristero War.
Before his execution, at 3 in the afternoon of February 9, 1928, the young, married, father of two shouted: "Viva Cristo Rey y Santa Maria de Guadalupe!" |
AuthorTHERESA MARIE MOREAU is an award-winning reporter who covers Catholicism and Communism. Archives
October 2023
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